12 December, 2006

Compiz, Beryl, and XGL

Well, last night I finally dug into all the eye-candy that is compiz and XGL. After quite an easy install process following a process listed under ubuntuguide.org I had Compiz/XGL up and running in under 20 minutes. Originally it was just Compiz/XGL, which is cool on it's own, but doesn't give a lot in the way of customization. Thats why you need to install the beryl-manager, emerald, and emerald-themes. Once I did this, I was off in eye-candy heaven.

Lucky for me my laptop has a 512MB Geforce 7600 Go in it, so it can take full advantage of this in all it's glory. Once you get used to the different types of navigation, ways to play with your desktop, shortcut keys, and other cool features, it makes playing with your desktop fun again.

As far as practicle, I could see it being very practicle. It allows you a new kind of control over your desktop, and not one desktop, but four. You again are in complete control, no more cluttered, unorganized, Click a bunch of times to get where you need to desktops. It'll have a steep learning curve for the majority of average users out there, but if it's promoted, and pushed, I could see Compiz/XGL leaping into the forefront of next-gen desktops.

I'd post some screenshots, but really, you need video to see this in all it's glory, the best place to see this is

Have fun, and I can't wait until Compiz/XGL is a standard!

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