08 December, 2006

Coldfusion with Active Directory

After much hesistation I started making the switch 5 days ago to convert my existing security system on the corporate portal from internal databases to Active Directory through LDAP. My hesistation was mostly due to the fact of limited info on this subject. After 5 days, we've organized or AD structure much better and I am successfully using AD for authentication and corporate structure info, and security authorization.

Coldfusion makes connection to AD through LDAP a snap (no pun intended). Let me just say, if I had of realized that it was this easy 2 years ago, I could have saved myself a lot of headaches in the multi-level security area. Now I have the fun task of trying to re-code my components to look at AD rather than internal databases. The good news is that I use frameworks such as Model-Glue, Reactor, and Coldspring, so the overall work required to make it function is minimal, it's more the small things like references and table links that are going to take the time.

To anyone building security-required in a Windows environment, even if in a Linux Environment with an LDAP server, I seriously recommend looking into integration, it could save you bundles of time, especially if someone else in the IT department manages the AD or LDAP server. You'll just have to come to a few basic understandings. ;)

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